When in the midst of a crisis, the truth can change. We are living in confusing times. We are learning new things daily about the health crisis. As a nation, we are exploring new ways to handle our racial divides.

Leaders know to listen, learn, act & then listen, learn & act again.

My first day at Marquette University Naval ROTC the sophomores taught me a phrase that we use in the military over and over. When asked something that you don’t know, the acceptable answer is, “I do not know, but will find out, sir/ma’am.”

Recently, a leader was on a large conference call. Someone used a term she wasn’t familiar with. She asked about it, and was told. And then. Well, have you ever forgotten to go on mute? That’s what happened. The person who gave the answer went on to say, “I can not believe she did not know that.”

The entire call went silent. People held their breathes. Someone suggested that they could find out who said that. The leader shrugged it off. “I will always ask if I do not know something. Let’s move on.”

What do you need to find out? What do you need to learn?