Last week, USS Blue Ridge visited Singapore. The officers and crew were so gracious as to allow for a ship’s tour. On a bright Thursday afternoon, a small group of us made our way to the southeastern corner of the country and to the pier.

We were able to see the helo deck, the bridge, and the forecastle, as well as some of the interior passageways. As a Navy Veteran, the smells and the sounds were familiar enough. My colleagues were on their first visit to a warship of any nation.

And the crew did not disappoint.

The deck division on the ship is in charge of the fo’s’cul (aka the forecastle). Before heading out on liberty (their day off), to enjoy our beautiful city, they took the time and the care to set up this professional display of their gear.

I was struck by the pride and professionalism of the Blue Ridge Sailors, and inspired by their example.

How do you show pride in your work?