How do you get ready to do something? And how do you know that you are ready?

While it can be easy to wait, to think that we need one more class, one more experience, one more year before we’re ready, the reality is that most of us will never feel ready.

Most successful people just jumped in. Richard Branson, the head of Virgin Atlantic, has said, Richard Branson — ‘If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!’

What Happens When You Jump

Something powerful happens when you jump in — you learn what you need to know. You figure it out. In the field of education, this learning is referred to as experiential learning, and is often called more casually, on-the-job training or OJT. Imagine trying to learn to ride a bike without ever actually getting on the bike. Hours spent watching others ride or preparing your bike or reading about the best bike riders in the world at some point become moot. You have to get on the bike if you’re ever going to ride. Do you feel ready? Maybe not. Are you scared? Probably. You need to jump on the bike despite being scared. Once you do, you’ll learn how to ride.

Be Bold

A key tenant of Wikipedia, the encyclopedia that anyone can edit, is to Be Bold. The explanatory page for this guideline further exhorts users to Go For It! In other words, just jump in and do it. Even if you don’t feel ready.

Bravery is never the absence of fear. Doing something that you already know how to do requires no bravery. You know you’re going for it if you feel a little scared. Embrace that feeling of trepidation. Know that if you’re uncomfortable, then you are growing. We grow when we do new things. Stretching is — by its intrinsic nature — uncomfortable. Lean into the stretch.

Ask for Help

Being bold on Wikipedia works because others are with you. The same is true in life, in work, in our families. Your boss, your co-workers, your team all want you to succeed. As you embrace being uncomfortable, make sure that you’re asking for help when you need it. Build up your support system.

Seeking out experts and other perspectives will enrich your own skill and prowess. We all have something to learn from others. The best athletes in the world have coaches and train hard. So should we all.

Mitigate Risk without Avoiding Risk

You can be bold without being reckless. Preparation is a critical part of the jump. Be safe and do the work.

Just Jump!

Ultimately, excellence will happen as you strive for more. Work hard through the fear. And jump!